Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Dragon*Con and Recovery

Yesterday, Dragon*Con 2017 (henceforth to be called DC, so I don't go insane looking for that asterisk all the time) ended.

DC is four days of nerdy, geekiness, science and pop culture held every year on Labor Day weekend in Atlanta, Georgia with 80,000 of my closest friends.  Some friends, like Rob Levy and Mara Malovany, travel from afar (St.Louis and New York, respectively).  Other friends are new.  Some I see only once a year, and some I missed seeing.  To all of these, thanks for involvement in my yearly vacation.

Registration was a breeze.  I picked up my badge on Thursday, and there was literally no line.  That has never happened before.

I attended four panels:
Wonder Woman
DC's Legends of Tomorrow (moderated by Rob)
NASA Under the New Administration
Project Espresso

The panel I found most fascinating was the NASA panel.  This was a presentation (more of a talk, really) by Nicholas Eftimiades on the approaches of different administrations on space and priorities for each of these.  There are much better explanations out there, but I was surprised by how different administrations approached space.  Nixon, for example, was a proponent of space exploration, and asked the NASA for their top three priorities (a moonrise, the space shuttle, or a space station) and then offered to back one of them.  The space shuttle won out.

I also had my introduction to the "Space Force", a US military presence in space.  There are apparently competing movements in the House and Senate for moving the US space industry out of the Air Force (where it apparently languishes) and making it another branch of the military (the House's proposal) or putting it directly under the control of the Department of Defence.  I found all of this fascinating.

Regarding more mundane matters, though, I learned that the Lindbergh station is a great place to park and MARTA downtown.  The Peachtree Center MARTA station exits right outside the Hyatt, and I don't have to change trains anywhere.

I commissioned a sketch from Chris Schweizer, a golden age Wonder Woman.  I love it!

I also took an extra day off, astutely termed a "recovery day" by my friend, Alex.  What a perfect term for that intellectually squishy transition from the assault on the senses that DC can present to a return to the world of the Normals.  Believe it or not, some adjustment is required, at least by my brain.

Tomorrow, it's back to work and routine.

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