Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Design Foundations - The Beginning

For my first post, I am offering something simple, yet deceptively dense.  Definitions.

1.  an outline, sketch, or plan, as of the form and structure of a work of art, an edifice, or a machine to be executed or constructed.
2.  organization or structure of formal elements in a work of art; composition.
3.  the combination of details or features of a picture, building, etc.; the pattern or motif of artistic work: the design on a bracelet.
4.  the art of designing: a school of design.

5.  a plan or project: a design for a new process.

1. the basis or groundwork of anything: the moral foundation of both society and religion.
2. the natural or prepared ground or base on which some structure rests.
3.  the lowest division of a building, wall, or the like, usually of masonry and partly or wholly below the surface of the ground.
4.  the act of founding,  setting up, establishing, etc.: a policy in effect since the foundation.
5.  the state of being founded.
Thanks to dictionary.com for these definitions.

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